English Pedagogy for Primary TET PDF

সুপ্রিয় বন্ধুরা,
আজ আপনাদের ইংরেজি পেডাগজি MCQ PDF টি প্রদান করলাম। যেটিতে ইংরেজি পেডাগজি বা ইংরেজি শিক্ষণ বিদ্যা বিষয়টি থেকে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কতকগুলি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর দেওয়া আছে। প্রাইমারি টেট পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নপত্রে পেডাগজি টপিকের জন্য কিছু নম্বর বরাদ্দ থাকে। তাই আমরা আশা রাখছি এই প্রশ্নগুলি আপনাদের পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতিতে সাহায্য করবে।
English Pedagogy MCQ
■ Journey from example to generalization is –
a. Deductive
b. Incidental
c. Inductive
d. All the above
■ A project work does not test –
a. Creativity
b. Memory
c. Writing skill
d. Adaptability
■ A poem can be best taught by –
a. Making the students recite it
b. Oral language drill
c. Recitation and them explanation
d. Group discussion
■ Direct Method prohibits –
a. Vocabulary
b. Memorization
c. Fluency
d. Communicability
■ The main techniques of Direct Method is –
a. Conversation
b. Look and say
c. Leadership and guidance
d. All the above
■ Learning take place when –
a. A student listens to the teacher
b. A student gets the correct response from the teacher
c. A student abesy the teacher
d. All the above
■ A language teacher must –
a. An introvert
b. An extrovert
c. An expressive
d. None of the above
■ In grammar translation method little importance is given to –
a. Spelling
b. Punctuation
c. Vocabulary
d. Pronunciation
■ At the initial stage FCA focuses on –
a. Listening
b. Speaking
c. Writing
d. Listening and speaking
■ Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing are –
a. Formal skill
b. Verbal skill
c. Motor skill
d. Language skill
■ Group project helps in developing –
a. A hing level of ambitious to achieve
b. Good memory in the young
c. Competition
d. Collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving
■ The founder of structural grammar was –
a. C.C. Fries
b. Chapman
c. Nesfield
d. Chomskey
■ Which of the following is a value associated with an inclusive Classroom ?
a. Collaboration
b. Sympathy
c. Competition
d. Envy
■ When learners and engaged in a pair activity, taking on roles of a doctor and patient, the activity is called –
a. Real Activity
b. Simulation
c. Declamation
d. Exchanging notes
■ The term ‘comprehensive’ in Continuous and comprehensive Evaluation means –
a. Academic skills
b. Scholastic development
c. Co-scholastic development
d. Scholastic and co-scholastic development
■ A test to assess the potential of students for specific abilities and skills such as music, spatial ability or logical ability as called a/an –
a. Attitude test
b. Proficiency test
c. Achievement test
d. Aptitude test
■ Some noise in the language class indicates –
a. Indiscipline of learners
b. Lack of interest among the learners
c. Constructive activities with learners engaged in language learning
d. None of these
■ “Schools need to becomes centres that prepare children for life and ensure that all children, especially the differently able children from marginalized sections, and children in difficult circumstances get the maximum benefit of this critical areas of education.” this observation found in the National Framework -2005 is related to –
a. Gender equality
b. Critical pedagogy
c. Inclusive education
d. Constructivist learning
■ A test of listening comprehension is a test of –
a. Phonology
b. Receptive skill
c. Hearing skill
d. Productive skill
■ Study of meaning in a language is known as –
a. Linguistics
b. Morphology
c. Systax
d. Semantic
ইংরেজি পেডাগজি PDF
File Details :
File Name : English Pedagogy MCQ
Language : English
No. of Pages : 02
Size : 0.5 MB